Tuesday, December 29, 2020









Cunctos populos, quos clementiae nostrae regit temperamentum, in tali volumus religione versari, quam divinum Petrum apostolum tradidisse Romanis religio usque ad nunc ab ipso insinuata declarat quamque pontificem Damasum sequi claret et Petrum Aleksandriae episcopum virum apostolicae sanctitatis, hoc est, ut secundum apostolicam disciplinam evangelicamque doctrinam patris et filii et spiritus sancti unam deitatem sub pari maiestate et sub pia trinitate credamus. Hanc legem sequentes Christianorum Catholicorum nomen iubemus amplecti, reliquos vero dementes vesanosque iudicantes haeretici dogmatis infamiam sustinere ‘nec conciliabula eorum ecclesiarum nomen accipere’, divina primum vindicta, post etiam motus nostri, quem ex caelesti arbitro sumpserimus, ultione plectendos.



Έδικτο της Θεσσαλονίκης.



Είναι επιθυμία μας ότι όλα τα διάφορα έθνη, τα οποία υπόκεινται στην επιείκεια και μετριοπάθεια μας, θα πρέπει να συνεχίσουν να πρεσβεύουν ότι η θρησκεία που παραδόθηκε στους Ρωμαίους από τον θείο Απόστολο Πέτρο, όπως έχει διατηρηθεί από την θεία παράδοση, και η οποία τώρα ομολογείται από τον Ποντίφικα Δάμασο και τον Πέτρο, Επίσκοπο της Αλεξάνδρειας, ενός ανθρώπου αποστολικής αγιότητας. Σύμφωνα με την αποστολική διδασκαλία και τη διδασκαλία του Ευαγγελίου, ας πιστεύουμε στην μία θεότητα του Πατρός, του Υιού και του Αγίου Πνεύματος, ίσου μεγαλείου και σε ιερή τριάδα. Θα επιτρέψουμε στους τηρητές αυτού του νόμου να φέρουν τον τίτλο του Καθολικού Χριστιανού. Αλλά και για τους άλλους, δεδομένου ότι, κατά τη γνώμη μας είναι ανόητοι τρελοί, διατάσσουμε ότι πρέπει να στιγματίζονται με το ατιμωτικό όνομα των αιρετικών, και δεν θα τολμούν να δίνουν στις παρασυναγωγές τους το όνομα των εκκλησιών. Θα υποφέρουν καταρχήν την τιμωρία της θείας καταδίκης και κατόπιν την τιμωρία της εξουσίας μας, την οποία θα επιβάλουμε σύμφωνα με τη θέληση του Ουρανού. 



Edict of Thessalonica.



It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation, should continue to profess that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it has been preserved by faithful tradition, and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity. We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment of our authority which in accordance with the will of Heaven we shall decide to inflict. 



Edicto de Tesalónica


Edicto de los emperadores Graciano, Valentiniano y Teodosio Augusto, al pueblo de la ciudad de Constantinopla.

«Queremos que todos los pueblos que son gobernados por la administración de nuestra clemencia profesen la religión que el divino apóstol Pedro dio a los romanos, que hasta hoy se ha predicado como la predicó él mismo, y que es evidente que profesan el pontífice Dámaso y el obispo de Alejandría, Pedro, hombre de santidad apostólica. Esto es, según la doctrina apostólica y la doctrina evangélica creemos en la divinidad única del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo bajo el concepto de igual majestad y de la piadosa Trinidad. Ordenamos que tengan el nombre de cristianos católicos quienes sigan esta norma, mientras que los demás los juzgamos dementes y locos sobre los que pesará la infamia de la herejía. Sus lugares de reunión no recibirán el nombre de iglesias y serán objeto, primero de la venganza divina, y después serán castigados por nuestra propia iniciativa que adoptaremos siguiendo la voluntad celestial.»

Dado el tercer día de las Kalendas de marzo en Tesalónica, en el quinto consulado de Graciano Augusto y primero de Teodosio Augusto.


 — Codex Theodosianus, xvi.1.2





Friday, December 25, 2020

Cantus In Festum Nativitatis Domini a Capella Gregoriana


Cantica Natalicia a Capella Seminarii Catholici S. Pauli

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Sermo de Nativitate Christi per Horam Catholicam a Rev. Leonardo Feeney, S.J. (1942)

A Mother and Her Child (1942)

Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J.

My dear listeners, this is my last talk, and before I begin it, I am going to make three acknowledgments of gratitude to those to whom I should be most grateful. 

 First to you, for listening to me, if you have listened, and for liking what I have said, if you have liked any of it. Second, to the National Broadcasting Company and the National Council of Catholic Men for letting me speak. And third to God, for making it possible for any human voice, not merely mine, to travel, almost miraculously, such tremendous distances into your homes, wherever you are on Sunday evenings.

Tonight I am going to speak about a mother and her child, about a human mother and her Divine Child. Report has it------to speak cautiously by way of beginning------report has it, that there was once such a mother who bore such a Child, that the mother was human, and the Child, Divine. Report has it that this event occurred about nineteen hundred and forty-two years ago, and that is why we call this the year of Our Lord 1942, because it is one thousand, nine hundred and forty-two years since His birth. Report------let me go on saying this way for a moment------report has it that the mother was a little Jewish girl in her early teens and that she lived in a small town called Nazareth, which is in the province of Galilee, the northern province of Palestine, called the Holy Land, where most of the Old Testament was fulfilled, and where dwelt God's greatest spiritual race, the Jews.

Report goes on to say that an Angel, a spirit from a world above us, took temporary shape, and as God' s messenger, appeared to this little girl and said, "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee." And the Angel told her in very simple words that God was going to become man, to assume our nature, become one of us, and to show us in flesh and blood what God looks like, and that she to whom the Angel spoke was to be His mother. Report declares that this little Jewish girl was greatly astonished, as well she might be, but being, though poor, a little thoroughbred of the house of David, she spoke back to the Angel with quiet dignity, and asked, "How shall this be, for I know not man?" And the Angel went on to explain that there was to be, for a Child's sake, and for a Child's reason, a most exquisite and Divine delicacy in the birth of Jesus. By the power of sheer love, untouched by man, God was to make her fruitful. And Mary, for that was the little virgin' s name, bowed her head and said, "Be it done unto me according to thy word."

And so was the Divine Incarnation achieved.

And nine months later there is more report of a small deserted stable in Bethlehem, in Judea, the southern province of Palestine this time, where this young maid and mother had been obliged to go for the sake of a political requirement. And there, in that stable, her Child was born. And there, in that stable, God was laid, as a baby, and shown in our flesh, and released into our world.

That's all of the story I have time enough to give tonight, my dear listeners, though there is much more to it, as many of you know. But let me start with what I have so briefly said, and let me explain why I have prefaced each sentence of this story with the phrase, "Report has it."

Because I wish first to inquire from some of my listeners who may disbelieve it, "Wouldn't you like it to have been true?" Don't you think it would have been nice of God to have so loved us as to take our nature as His own, abide in it, breathe our air and eat our food, suffer our suffering and sleep our sleep? Would it not indicate that we are not quite as forgotten by our Creator as we seem to be in some of our darker moments? Would we not have extra reason to be proud of our human race if we knew that one of our little girls was so loved by God that He Who is motherless in eternity should have chosen Her to be His mother in time? Are you provincial enough to have a distaste for our Emmanuel, our God With Us, because His mother was a Jew? Are not the Jews members of our human race, with bodies and souls and minds and hearts and a power to know and suffer and love the same, identically the same, as ourselves?

If you have a daughter of your own, would it not comfort you to take her in your arms this evening, and tell her the story of the Incarnation in some simple words, words like these which Thomas Butler*, the poet, has used in his address to a child?

There was a little girl like you, 
With eyes as big and bright and true, 
She loved to laugh and play and run 
The same as you or anyone. 
And in the April of the year; 
When all the long lost flowers appeared, 
An angel came to her one day 
And said to put her dolls away. 
She meekly bowed her little head, 
To what the blessed Angel said, 
And swift as the flying of a dove 
She changed from child to mother love.

Such was the incident of Mary and the Angel; the love was Divine, the little mother was human, and the Child was God. This is Christianity.

Now don't tell me, my dear listeners, that it doesn't make any difference whether this story is true or not.

One who starts tampering with truth that way will soon get his mind out of order. Say the story of the Incarnation is true, or, it is not true, but do not say it does not make any difference. It may not make much difference in the way you run your business, wind your watch, smoke your cigar or butter your bread, but it makes a tremendous difference in the way you think and all the difference in the world in the way you pray. Was Jesus God, or was He not? If He was not, then we may well despair, for, have been cheated by an impostor Whom God has allowed to claim His prerogatives and assume His name.

" All power is given to Me in heaven and on earth." Does anyone but God talk that way? "Before Abraham was, I Am." Does that sound like the statement of just another "nice man?"

"I abjure you" Jesus was asked, "to tell us, art thou the Christ, the Son of the Living God?" And He replied, "Thou hast said it." The answer was called a blasphemy, for blasphemy it was------or else, the truth.

Everyone knows that Jesus was a "nice man." But nice men do not give out the real Bethlehem, a real Calvary, or a real Redemption. Nice men are as impotent to promise out the kingdom that is not of this world as they are to settling affairs of this one. Furthermore, nice men do not tell lies when they are asked, point blank, for the truth. If Jesus was not God, then in the name of holiness and truth, we have been cheated by God so insidiously that we can never return to Him again in prayer and confidence, or ever expect another revelation. The pagans will go on building up their ancestral religions, their race worship, their holy divinities on the ruins of our revelation, but I promise them that our revelation will haunt them for all the rest of history, for our revelation and our religion is the one that thought God was good enough to become a child for love of us, until it was discovered that the child was a liar.

Report has it that Jesus, Mary's Child, was God. And don't you worry. The report is true. It is nineteen hundred years since the report began, and the report is still holding on, for a lie gets swamped out, usually with the years, and always with the centuries, but the truth lasts.

There was a little girl like you . . . If any father or mother is holding their own little daughter in their arms tonight, while I am speaking, let me say to her the whole of Thomas Butler's poem.

It is interlaced with a refrain that runs: O dulcis, et pia, puellula Maria!

Maria means Mary, for that was God's mother's name. You know, "Ave Maria," "Hail Mary." Well, O dulcis, et pia, puellula Maria in Latin means "O sweet, O holy, O little maid Mary." And so here's the way the whole poem goes: 

There was a little girl like you, 
With eyes as big and bright and true, 
She loved to laugh and play and run 
The same as you or anyone . . . 
O dulcis, et pia 
Puellula Maria!

And in the April of the year; 
When all the long lost flowers appear; 
An Angel came to her one day 
And said to put her dolls away. . . 
O dulcis, et pia 
Puellula Maria!

She meekly bowed her little head, 
To what the blessed Angel said, 
And swift as the flying of a dove 
She changed from child to mother love. 
O dulcis, et pia 
Puellula Maria!

Thus as the years go by for you, 
You' Il change, as children all must do, 
Love with its burdens, love with woe, 
Will come as it came, long, long ago . . . 
To dulcis, et pia 
Puellula Maria!

But lest your little heart be tom, 
With sorrows ache and sorrows thorn, 
Teach it to love, and ever stand 
Close to the touch of the little hand . . . 
Of dulcis, et pia 
Puellula Maria!

And when you're old and gray and lone, 
She'll come to claim you for her own, 
Take you to Heaven, out of pain, 
Make you a little girl, ever again . . . 
O dulcis, et pia 
Puellula Maria!

Who will? God's mother will! For she was God's mother! The Angel told her she was going to be, and Jesus her little Child, proved that the Angel told the truth.

O beautiful as the moon, chosen as the sun, terrible as an army in array, you are the Queen of Angels, you are the Mother and Queen of men. You originated on this little planet of ours, pertain to our race and are related to us, not by the Angelic ties of love and thought, but by the very fibers of flesh and blood. You are still a woman, even in the awful, majestic status bestowed on you by God. You are the Mother of Divine Grace, powerful in your intercession. You are not God, but you are the gate to God, the Gate of Heaven. There is no passing to eternal life, except through you. You are understanding, marvelously simple and unsuspicious, tender towards us poor sinners in our meannesses and our mistakes. You take each of us by the hand when we die and lead us to the Beatific Vision, for the radiant beauty of the human nature in which God redeemed the world was begotten in your womb. You are God'sMother, and you are our Lady!

My dear listeners, that is all. This is Father Feeney, Leonard Feeney, saying at long last, "God bless you, goodnight and good-bye."

*Thomas Butler, the poet, is Father Thomas Butler Feeney, S.l., the blood brother of Father Leonard Feeney.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Hymnus Gaudete cantatur ante picturam Nostrae Dominae de Columna in Basilica Vaticana

http://www.zazzle.com/ProVaticanus Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Tempus adest gratiæ Hoc quod optabamus, Carmina lætitiæ Devote reddamus. Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Deus homo factus est Natura mirante, Mundus renovatus est A Christo regnante. Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Ezechielis porta Clausa pertransitur, Unde lux est orta Salus invenitur. Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Ergo nostra contio Psallat iam in lustro; Benedicat Domino: Salus Regi nostro. Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! http://www.twitter.com/ProVaticanus

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Motetum Vaticanum (Marche Pontificale)

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15 seconds

http://www.zazzle.com/ProVaticanus Motetum Vaticanum (Marche Pontificale): Roma, alma parens, Sanctorum Martyrumque, Nobile carmen, te decete, sonorumque, Gloria in excelsis, paternae maiestati Pax et in terra fraternae caritati Ad te clamamus, Angelicum pastorem: Quam vere refers, Tu mitem Redemptorem! Magister Sanctum, custodis dogma Christi, Quod unun vitae, solamen datur isti. Non praevalebunt horrendae portae infernae, Sed vis amoris veritatisque aeternae. Salve, Roma! In te aeterna stat historia, Inclyta, fulgent gloria Monumenta tot et arae. Roma Petri et Pauli, Cunctis mater tu redemptis, Lumen cunctae in facie gentis Mundique sola spes! Salve, Roma! Cuius lux occasum nescit, Splendet, incandescit, Et iniquo oppilat os. Pater Beatissime, Annos Petri attinge, excede Unum, quaesumus, concede: Tu nobis benedic. Vatican City State has its own flag and anthem like any other universally recognized, sovereign nation. On 16 October 1949 Pope Pius XII decided that Charles Gounods (1818-1893) Pontifical March should become the official hymn. At the time, the French musician and devout Catholic was already a famous composer, especially well known for his lyrical work Faust and his composition of Ave Maria. The music of the current Pontifical Hymn was composed by Gounod for the anniversary of the incoronation of Blessed Pope Pius IX to whom he was particularly devoted. The Pontifical March was performed for the first time on the afternoon of 11 April 1869 during celebrations marking the Popes jubilee of priestly ordination. On that day in St. Peters Square a large crowd had gathered for a special concert following the mornings liturgical celebrations in the Basilica. The concert brought together seven pontifical bands with members belonging to seven different papal corps and regiments in Rome (Papal Gendarmes conducted by maestro Roland, Reggimenti di Linea conducted by maestro Baffo, Cacciatori conducted by Pezzina, Zuavi conducted by maestro Willimburg, Carabinieri stationed outside Italy, Legione Romana conducted by maestro Angelini, Reggimento Dragoni). They were accompanied by a chorus made up of over one thousand soldiers. The Pontifical March of Gounod was widely applauded and played numerous times, as the Vatican newspaper LOsservatore Romano reported the following day. Pope Pius IX received the greetings of numerous diplomats gathered in St. Peters Basilica with the five thousand faithful for the morning celebration. Later in the day, he appeared at the central loggia of St. Peters Basilica to greet the crowds applauding below and filling the square for the concert. The seven musical bands were lined up along the steps in the square and when the Pope appeared they began with the new hymn written especially for the occasion by maestro Gounod and to be accompanied by a chorus of one thousand soldiers, as announced by the Vatican newspaper the day before. In the past, whenever the Pope would appear, the bands would play the Triumphal March, the old anthem composed by Hallmayer. The new composition was immensely successful. On 12 April 1869 the Vatican newspaper reported that the anthem was played again and again numerous times. It was performed often after this event and became famous for its majesty and solemnity, almost of a liturgical character. However, it was only adopted as the official Pontifical Hymn 81 years later, even though many had wished it were done so immediately. The Pontifical Hymn of Gounod, which was officially adopted on the eve of the Holy Year 1950, is quite different from the previous anthem composed by Hallmayer and reflects a style of that period consisting of a lively and bright rhythm, like that of a waltz. Pope Pius XII decided to change the anthem with the still well known Pontifical March of Gounod, given its religious tone thought to be more appropriate for the times. The music was performed for the first time as the new, official anthem during a solemn ceremony on Christmas Eve of 1949 which was also the vigil of the opening of the Holy Year 1950. The old anthem was also played almost as a sign of respect to mark its passing. The musical band of the Palatine Guard of Honor was lined up with all its divisions in the San Damaso Courtyard and performed the music after the order of the day was read out announcing the official change in anthem: Roma immortale di Martiri e di Santi, Roma immortale accogli i nostri canti: Gloria nei cieli a Dio nostro Signore, Pace ai Fedeli, di Cristo nell'amore. A Te veniamo, Angelico Pastore, In Te vediamo il mite Redentore, Erede Santo di vera e santa Fede; Conforto e vanto a chi combatte e crede, Non prevarranno la forza ed il terrore, Ma regneranno la Verità, l'Amore. http://www.youtube.com/ProVaticanus